Tracking your Workouts
Tracking your workouts, like other things in life, are important to growth and essentially to getting what you want. Let's face it, if you want something you got to have a plan!
4 Reasons to Start Tracking Your Progress Now
1) Instant gratification. If you like to see your progress or wins instantly, looking at what you journaled daily or weekly can do just that! If your goals is working out 3 days a week and you take a look at your daily journal and see you already hit one of the workouts on Monday, you will be stoked. Looking at your whole week and seeing you hit 3 workouts, PLUS you hit a personal best in your back squat, will most likely motivate you to get in again next week!
2) Important to experience your journey. For example, if you are training for a marathon, recording your how far you are running each session and how many days a week you are running lets you reflect on your journey or experience. Seeing this experience thens help you notice where you might need to adjust or change things to complete a full marathon. Once you complete the marathon it will also show you your whole journey and what you did to get there. How is that not a great feeling!
3) Notice behaviours. Let’s say you have a nutrition goal of eating more green vegetables. Tracking daily if you ate greens can help you see if your behaviours are complimenting this specific goal. If not, you can adjust your behaviour or make a more realistic goal for yourself to eat more greens weekly.
4) The CIRCLE. When you track your workouts, you see PROGRESS, you become more CONSISTENT, therefore you will see RESULTS. Which will then make you want to track more workouts so you can see more progress, which will reflect you being even more consistent, and in turn you seeing even more results! It just keeps going in this amazing circle!!
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