Benefits Of Water
Moving well, looking good, and feeling good include drinking water as it is a critical nutrient for human nourishment, growth and development. Not only does it assist in weight loss (if this is your goal), it can help increase your athletic performance.
Water and Athletic Performance:
Necessary for building strength, muscle, and endurance
Delivers nutrients and electrolytes to cells an muscles
Helps remove waste and toxins from muscles and body meaning improved recovery
LACK of water during training could result in dehydration, being lethargic, cramping often, and suffering in strength, endurance and work capacity
Water and Weight Loss:
Reduces Bloating and looking less puffy
Improves digestion by delivering oxygen and nutrients into your cells so you can utilize the nutrients you consume
Boosts your metabolic rate and increases satiety and both are needed to lose weight
LACK of water can cause grogginess, lack of mental acuity, moodiness and overall weight gain
How much water do you need?
Drink half your body weight in ounces daily. This does not include what you drink during your training session.
For example:
Bodyweight divided by 2 = Total ounces daily
200lbs divided by 2 = 100 ounces of water daily or 2.95 Litres
We know it can be challenging to build habits to ensure you are drinking half your body weight daily but it will be worth it!
Try these tips:
Set an alarm to drink your water. It may sound funny but our clients have done this and gotten results.
Upon waking drink 1-2 cups of water. Our clients have said this is by far the easiest habit they have been able to build into their routine.
Drink 1-2 cups of water 30 minutes before each meal.
Try habit stacking. So, if working from home drink water every-time you get up from your desk. Or you can sip water every-time you drink a sip of your coffee (which we know most of you drink)!
We hope you are inspired to make this as important as your training. If you are still struggling and want someone to hold you accountable, then book a consult with a Westside Coach. We offer nutrition and lifestyle coaching and would love to tailor a program designed to support every aspect of your health and fitness.
To learn more, email us for a consult.